Folderly Comparison
See why Folderly is more than just a software, but a long-term partner to flawless mailbox performance
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Why Folderly?
Folderly is an all-in-one email deliverability platform
Folderly helps to locate, solve and prevent email deliverability issues. We offer solutions to various business needs, from email deliverability testing to complex domain audits.
Email deliverability
Email deliverability software you need
Address all your email-related problems in one place
Complex solution to reach 100% deliverability score
Direct impact on your B2B and B2C business metrics
The synergy of new-level email analysis technology and a human approach to improving email performance
Domain checkup
Let's make a quick domain health checkup
Conduct your cost free domain health lookup. Learn what's your deliverability score in just a few minutes.
Get domain health insights
Folderly is more than just an email deliverability software
We continually gather expertise to offer a holistic approach and ensure long-term successful email partnerships. See it yourself.
Tech infrastructure set up
Fast API & SMTP Integration
Your email success partner
Email deliverability testing
Inbox placement through different ESPs
DNS records fix: SPF, DKIM, DMARK, BIMI
Email authentication
Blacklists and spam filters monitoring
Result-based number of email interactions
Your custom email templates
Template analysis for spam triggers
Email templates dashboard
AI-powered email conversations
Integration with all popular and custom ESPs'
Create and share reports
Complex domain and mailbox monitoring
Results and Pricing
Ensured Inbox placement
Email engagement & ROI boost
Ready to achieve your destination folder?
Get started with Folderly and see your email deliverability rates skyrocketing
Request a demo
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more about our email SPF record?
How long until I see spam fix results?
It may vary case by case, but we typically expect 2-3 business days to be the time for platform to improve the email deliverability drastically. However, we have many instances where it took 1-2 weeks. You will see the difference from the day-one but be patient till Folderly will fix your spam problems once and for good.
How can I cancel my subscription?
Can I suggest a new feature?
How can I get started?
What does the package include?